Procedure to Complete Student Enrolment/Eligibility of Mumbai University for FE and DSE Students admitted in academic Year 2016-2017

Procedure to Complete Student Enrolment/Eligibility of Mumbai University for FE and DSE Students admitted in academic Year 2016-2017
by PROF. KIRAN DESHPANDE - Monday, 26 September 2016, 6:43 PM

As per University circular, First Year students are required to Resubmit registration form of Enrolment/Eligibility. All First Year and Direct Second Year students submit online registration to The hard copy of registration is to be submitted to office on or before 28 th September 2016. The college will authorise the registration and submit the same to University.Therefore, the students who don’t submit hard copy are treated non-registered/non enrolled students. 

                          Click on this link to view Procedure of Enrolment and Eligiblity 


                              Mumbai University Web Link for enrolment/eligiblity