16th March, 2022 Zoom Links for APSIT Students to Join Proctoring Platform for Online University Examination (R2019 Syllabus Scheme)

16th March, 2022 Zoom Links for APSIT Students to Join Proctoring Platform for Online University Examination (R2019 Syllabus Scheme)
by SELVIN FURTADO - Tuesday, 15 March 2022, 1:34 PM

Dear Students,

         Use respective links of Zoom for joining proctoring Platform to appear for Sem 1 FE Online University Examination (R2019 Syllabus Scheme).

       Date of Examination: 16th March, 2022

Important Points:

  1. Read through University Guidelines for Online Exam. [University Guidelines]
  2. This exam will have combination of MCQ and SUBJECTIVE questions.
  3. Students have to write answers to MCQ as well as subjective question's answers on full scape paper, scan and upload in PDF format.
  4. Single PDF file is to be uploaded.
  5. Name, Moodle ID, Seat Number, Semester, Branch, Subject and Page Number have to be written on every page. Format of answer sheet
  6. Signing each page, before scanning is mandatory for Students.

11:00 am to 1:30 pm
21101001 - 21102019https://zoom.us/s/95509556832?pwd=KzZWTDZyUzlKWnpRc3BpWHhHeFdEQT09

Meeting ID: 955 0955 6832
Passcode: 061454
COMP21102020 - 21102061https://zoom.us/j/94092737678?pwd=ZWxBbnZSUFkwSUxVL0ZjdFhyODdhZz09
Meeting ID: 940 9273 7678
Passcode: 881821
COMP21102062 - 21102103https://zoom.us/j/98931847280?pwd=T0JuU2lxdThDcFdTZDI0NitieHlDUT09 

Meeting ID: 989 3184 7280
Passcode: 607152
COMP21102105 - 21102146https://zoom.us/j/91060978005?pwd=TG5BelVjRVJFQ2d4TjBwYXM0ekZ3Zz09 

Meeting ID: 910 6097 8005
Passcode: 022217
COMP21102147 - 21102186https://zoom.us/j/94940825093?pwd=cTBJQ1pIS2h1TnU5YkRKU2NSVmpydz09 

Meeting ID: 949 4082 5093
Passcode: 202380
COMP + IT21102187 - 21104031https://zoom.us/j/97269993661?pwd=ZlRETmZ0RFFSNUQ1RlZFNHRRWXNhZz09 

Meeting ID: 972 6999 3661
Passcode: 882521
IT21104032 - 21104077https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82177519243?pwd=SUFhVWJnRnNIT1dtb1F2RmFPalhvdz09

Meeting ID: 821 7751 9243
Passcode: 414036
IT21104078 - 21104124https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88382190925?pwd=eStKYnlBK01SNE9yWW1WbzdMUmFpZz09 

Meeting ID: 883 8219 0925
Passcode: 842268
IT + MECH + AIML21104125 - 21106009https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81801254715?pwd=UjlXM3VKbHM3RVNGc0VjSFg4bXlBZz09 

Meeting ID: 818 0125 4715
Passcode: 499889
AIML21106010 - 21106050https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5604861088?pwd=dzI5T1E2MGtWRzh5WERrK05hSHNDUT09 

Meeting ID: 879 4007 7939
Passcode: 942068
AIML + DS21106051 - 21107027https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89200928187?pwd=QmFKVGs4bXZaYTAvbVFDTlJkbjJzUT09 

Meeting ID: 892 0092 8187
Passcode: 275756
DS21107028 - 21107066

Students can use full scape paper to write answers. Name, Moodle ID, seat number, Semester, Branch, Subject and page number have to be written on every page. Kindly refer attached PDF for reference.