General Guidelines & Eligibility to appear for backlog examination starting from 2 nd December to 15th December 2020.

General Guidelines & Eligibility to appear for backlog examination starting from 2 nd December to 15th December 2020.
by PROF. KIRAN DESHPANDE - Monday, 23 November 2020, 1:41 PM

Referring to Circular No. DBoEE/ICC/2020-21/13 dt. 4 November, 2020, regarding backlog examinations to be conducted before 15 December, 2020, Eligibility criteria to appear for backlog examination starting from 2 nd December to 15th December 2020 is as follows:

1. Students those who appeared for examination held in the month of either 

November/December, 2019 or prior and failed in some of the subjects/courses and 

couldn't get their due chance of appearing for examinations to be held in May/June,

2020 due to Covid-19 pandemic situation, are only eligible for appearing for special 

examination to be held from 2nd December, 2020. (i.e. The students who were failed in 

the subjects/courses of semester I to VI examinations conducted up to 

November/December 2019 and those who have already filled up the examination form 

for May/June 2020 examination are eligible to appear for this examination).

2. The students who were studying in Semester II, IV, VI in AY 19-20 in second half and 

their results were processed and declared by using 50 % weightage for internal 

assessment and 50% weightage for performance of earlier semester (as per University 

Circular संपवमूमं/२०२०-२१ /४ दिन ंक २२ मे, २०२०) are not eligible to appear for this 


Also Students should use following link to View Guidelines of above mentioned Examination.

General Guidelines for backlog examination starting from 2 nd December to 15th December 2020.