List of Eligible students of Second Year and Third Year All Branches (Academic Year 2016-2017)

List of Eligible students of Second Year and Third Year All Branches (Academic Year 2016-2017)
by PROF. KIRAN DESHPANDE - Wednesday, 27 July 2016, 4:23 PM

Dear Students,

                       Click on respective link to view list of eligible students of Second Year and Third Year for all branches(Academic Year 2016-2017).For any queries contact Mr.Parate in Examination Section.

                                 Second Year Civil Engg

                                 Third Year Civil  Engg.

                                 Second Year Computer Engg

                                 Third Year Computer Engg

                                 Second Year EXTC Engg

                                 Third Year EXTC Engg

                                 Second Year Information Technology

                                 Third Year Information Technolgy

                                 Second Year Mechanical Engg

                                 Third Year Mechanical Engg